

The painting shows planetary creation with flowers scattered in circular patterns. Observed by divine power to be heavenly chaos, in a riot of dynamic colour.

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The painting shows planetary forming with flowers scattered in circular patterns to create the planet earth image in the upper left corner.  Not until recently did I add a ‘human’ face perhaps God, to make it more thought provoking.  Why did I go there?  “The firmament, as defined, is the celestial arch or vault separating the earthly domain from what lies beyond. Dictionaries describe it as the sky’s arch or vault. In the Bible, it is called the “firmamentum” in the Vulgate, translated from Hebrew as “raki’a” or “raqia,” meaning “expansion.” The biblical language depicts it as a solid expanse above us, dividing the waters above from those below.  While at the same time in the Book of Gensis, Chapter 2, verses 6 to 8, it is told that God wanted to create a firmament dividing the waters above and waters below on the 2nd day.   Firmament when translated is heaven in the various translations of the Bible.  Heavenly chaos.

Today, we are in a state of chaos, part of our human condition.  We also experience the beauty of this Earth in its simplicity yet chaos.  We have celestial questions we can’t find answers for… How beautiful is our planet, how precious and unique it is.  Outside of this space of firmament, it is inky black as Astronauts experience it.  However, the riot of colour, brings dynamic colour and balance into people’s lives.  We have a very diverse colour-filled planet, with diverse cultures, skin tones, languages, plants, animals, birds, insects, and we are the only planet that we know of, that has life forms on it.    Some have frozen water, but our water is fluid, liquid, gaseous and yes icy.  We are known as the water planet, the Blue Marble.   Firmament miracle?

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