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Season’s Greetings.  Are you intrigued by Monkey Balls for an oil painting inspired by a visit to South Africa?  There is a story there which Donne would love to share!  Come to Balfour, B.C. for the First Annual Donna Rodman Studio 50% 0ff sale on selected signature limited editions and oil-paintings.  It is a limited-time offer between November 22nd and December 1st.  There are signed limited editions, non-limited editions, sketches, and no-tans for sale.     On Dec 2nd the works will return to their original prices.

Our Designs is a small, specialty boutique design firm with a mission to develop healing artworks for healthcare facilities, wellness centers, recreation, and resort enterprises.  Our Designs will cultivate business relationships for site-specific commissions as well as private commissions for collectors.    Our Designs is on a mission to promote the use of fine art for its therapeutic and marketing value, in addition to aesthetic and cultural value.    We have a strong belief that nature is a healing factor in human wellness and human recovery from trauma.

Donna will also be showcasing new works in oil and pastels that are underway.  You will be welcomed into a home that Donna designed and it is wheelchair accessible.   Contact email:  The address is 1259 Green Road, just below the Balfour Golf Course, lakeside.  Open each day of the sale, except for Sunday, between 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  By appointment only.

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